Kook: The Best Looking Surfing Publication in the World?

Issue two — out now.

Get it!

Contributors include Andrew Kidman, Cyrus Sutton, Chris Preston, John Isaac, Rob Lion - these are the names that, due to my surfy experiences so far, I immediately remember...oh, and me (just a little picture, but I'm delighted to rub shoulders with the other contributors). Real surfers. But no - that's exactly what Kook enjoys being about, pulling the carpet from presumption, myth and phoniness. It's not about advertising and posturing - there are no ads - no pressures to appear like anything or be anything other than a being who surfs. Or, attempts to surf. Who offers themselves up to the sea: who contributes to surfing. That's what it's about: contribution. And surfing. But no, I'm wrong again, it's not even that: it's trying to wriggle free. To me surfing contributes to my sense of freedom, however, the cultural stereotypes and mythologies attached to surfing in the mass media detract from that. Kook is almost anarchic.

While being filmed by Emile de Antonio the American artist Robert Rauschenberg said about the newspaper "it's the best lookin' book in the world". I think Kook is certainly the best looking surfing publication I've ever had the pleasure to read and it should be cherished.

Kook is compiled, edited and designed by Dan Crockett and Alex Rowse.

Go here –> and buy Kook 2.


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